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#| SHADOW TABLE |#############################################################
####+--| Shadow side |-----------------------------| Binary |-----| Dec |-+###
####| no sides shadowed ............................. 0000 ........  0    |###
####| side 1 (top) .................................. 0001 ........  1    |###
####| side 2 (right) ................................ 0010 ........  2    |###
####| side 1 & 2 (top & right) ...................... 0011 ........  3    |###
####| side 3 (bottom) ............................... 0100 ........  4    |###
####| side 1 & 3 (top & bottom) ..................... 0101 ........  5    |###
####| side 2 & 3 (right & bottom) ................... 0110 ........  6    |###
####| side 2 & 3 (top, right & bottom) .............. 0111 ........  7    |###
####| side 4 (left) ................................. 1000 ........  8    |###
####| side 1 & 4 (top & left) ....................... 1001 ........  9    |###
####| side 2 & 4 (right & left) ..................... 1010 ........ 10    |###
####| side 1,2 & 4 (top, right & left) .............. 1011 ........ 11    |###
####| side 3 & 4 (bottom & left) .................... 1100 ........ 12    |###
####| side 1,3 & 4 (top, bottom & left) ............. 1101 ........ 13    |###
####| side 2,3 & 4 (right, bottom & left) ........... 1110 ........ 14    |###
####| side 1,2,3 & 4 (all sides) .................... 1111 ........ 15    |###

See Also: The Escape Hatch BBS System - 703-373-0575 - Dual/HST Powered!
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson